From a Mother to a Daughter

Each of our children is born with extraordinary strengths. As parents the best thing we can do for our children is to guide them towards finding out what makes them truly happy. More important for our daughters because as women we struggle with putting ourselves first before everyone else. We lose our identities trying to perfect our roles as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and friends and then spend a lifetime trying to feel good about ourselves. We hope getting into shape, being able to wear trendy clothes and accessorizing with the brands will make us happy. Being happy is an attitude though that you develop when you are truly in love with yourself. You could be wearing an exquisite Armani gown and feel quite good or you could be lounging in your pajamas and feel ravishing. It’s all about loving yourself truly and deeply….

A wise mom once called her girl
Held her close and whispered to her,
You are a young lady now
A beautiful, precious flower.
Strong, spirited, intelligent
With a spark that shines so bright,
That dreams so high of reaching
The stars twinkling at night.
These dreams are your passion
Your passion is your strength you see,
They are what make you who you are
Give you your identity.
Hold onto those dreams child
Never let that spirit fade,
That inner spark is worth more any day
Than any diamond, ruby or jade.
Live every moment deeply
You will reflect true joy,
No shimmering make-up will compare
To the radiance in your eyes,
Nurture your soul with love
You will reflect peace
No bling in fashion will ever compare
To an aura so serene.
Immerse yourself in kindness
Spread compassion about,
No softening cream will ever compare
To the tenderness in your heart.
Be in touch with your inner self
Always love yourself true,
No wine in the world will compare
To the high you get being you.
And as you walk down the road
Many ties may bind you down,
Forget not you are the Queen of your fate
Never let go of that crown.
Remember no man or person in time
Or a trip to a spa of any kind,
Can make you feel as special
As you can in your own mind

Feature Post Image credit: Max Pixel
Mom daughter Icon image credit:
mom and daughter by Ladalle CS from the Noun Project


  1. I think I always wanted to do this
    I tried but somehow could not(old school of thought maybe)
    But maybe my thoughts got transferred by telepathy or mere closeness
    I see them confidently facing the world…living in it with preserved self esteem
    Which I am sure they gained themselves
    But I would still want to believe it got rubbed off from my belief in them and my thoughts hopefully
    I shall not take any credit for their success but I would want them to do what I could not
    Advises verbally and not just thoughts

  2. What an incredibly moving poem. Love your writings. I can relate to everything you say. We both share one thing in common- we are both from Mumbai.
    Hope to read more.

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